My role.

UI/UX | User research | Problem solving | Design strategy | Visual identity | Brand development | Systems design | Product design | App design


Adobe XD | Adobe Illustrator | Adobe Photoshop | Adobe Media Encoder | Miro


Independent Project


8 weeks

What is Tweentoon?

Tweentoon is an application that helps tweens to practice activities on their own.

Tweens learn about bullying and how to overcome it with different fun & educational modules.

A Responsive Design System



The main problem

In today’s fast paced and busy life-style people lack time, energy, and skills to communicate. Data suggests 83% of the tweens in the United states gets bullied and they lack in communicating about it to the adults around them due to various factors like lack of education, fear of getting scolded etc.

Why is this concerning?

This behaviour is related to other concerning factors like wellbeing, mindfulness, and unhealthy lifestyle. At times this can be more vulnerable. This is an adaptability issue which needs to be fixed!


Cartoon Network has previously done campaigns on Stop bullying: speak up

  • Improve communication to combat bullying

  • Stop bullying before it starts: Giving kids a voice.

  • Tween cyberbullying in 2020

Who are the focus target groups ?

Target group 1

Tweens struggling to communicate.

Target group 2

Adults willing to help

The challenge

How can we help parents and teachers in educating their children about bullying and reporting?


Gone are the days when one had to move physically to practice mindfulness and therapy. Smartphones, tablets and modern technology in general have made learning accessible practically to anyone from any location. With this in mind, Tweentoon will engage you with it’s immersive learning experiences that is effective regardless of device, screen size or location. Offering you proven tools, techniques, and activities contained in the app that stay forever.


Practice & upskill.

This app offers a range of activities, including mindfulness, kindness, games for connecting with tweens, and 30-second informative videos to make it engaging. You have the freedom to select any activity you prefer, and each choice will suggest additional modules within that activity, providing a personalized and varied experience.

Earn badges.

Upon completing each activity, you have the opportunity to earn badges. These badges serve as an incentive for tweens, arousing their curiosity to explore and engage with the app more deeply. By approaching the activities with focus and a touch of playfulness, they can strive to complete all the activities and unlock a sense of achievement.

Parents Teacher Community.

The Parents Teachers Community feature allows all parents to share their concerns and suggestions, fostering open communication anonymously. Additionally, teachers can provide updates on the current classroom scenario, ensuring everyone is informed and connected. This feature creates a loop of information, keeping everyone updated and involved in what is happening inside the classroom.

Immersive virtual experience.

Tweentoon bridges the gap between willingness and uncertainty by offering immersive guided experiences to learn new activities. With a game-like interface, tweens can choose to virtually practice activities before attempting them in person. This interactive approach allows them to listen, repeat, and observe, enabling a smooth transition from learning to performing with confidence.

Choose your mood.

Enhance your app experience with our 'MoodSelector' feature, allowing you to easily express your mood with just a single tap. Whether you're feeling happy, stressed, motivated, or any other emotion, MoodSelector empowers you to select and update your mood instantly, providing valuable insights into your emotional well-being.

Keep a track on your past activities.

You have the option to review your past activities, discovering how the app has contributed to uplifting your mood and identifying the activities you have completed.

Personalized Character.

Tweentoon introduces exciting new shows featuring charming cartoon characters. To ensure a personalized experience, you have the option to select your own character, making the decision-making process easier and less overwhelming. You can switch characters whenever you like to maintain a personalized touch that suits your preferences.

Captivating Audio Experience.

Immerse yourself in a captivating audio experience within the app, featuring music and stories carefully designed to motivate and uplift the moods of tweens. These audio features are curated to provide an engaging and positive atmosphere, offering a boost of inspiration and emotional well-being.



Quantitative Research

The quantitative research was done with the help of google survey forms. The survey included 23 respondents to identify the demographic data

Qualitative Research

  • To understand the problem in depth, 6 interviews were conducted.

  • During this stage empathy was practiced to understand the experiences, feelings, pain-points and needs of the respondents.

  • At this point, 4 types of user personas were found which represented different segements of target audience.

Understanding knowledge gaps

De-briefing interviews


What are the users saying?

We conducted user interviews to understand this problem in depth. The selected candidates were a mix of people from working professionals to parents and tweens. From those interviews, we validated our initial hypothesis:

Common theme that emerged from interviews

User Interviews

  • Tweens lack knowledge & confidence of how to speak up for themselves and others.

  • Resource to give knowledge to the child.

  • Platform to communicate to both teachers and other parents.

Affinity Mapping

What choices are they making?

User Persona

From the research insights that we collected from users, we gauged our personas.

Maya is a 9 y/o tween. She says “ At school a girl started making fun of her hair. Everyone started giving me names likes spaghetti, I felt very sad and dint felt like going to school again. I was scared to tell my mom and my teacher". 
Maya needs awareness, self-confidence and self-expression.

Persona 1

Jasmine is a 32 y/o teacher. She says “ I have experienced that most of the time parents coming to me whether the child has any issue at school, since they are scared of coming to the school".
Jasmine needs a resource to help kids and keep parents in the loop.

Persona 3

Sarah is a 32 y/o mother. She says" My son was teased at school because he is a boy and should not participate in dancing. I found him crying in his room and assured him to help him by conveying to his school teacher".
Sarah needs a resource to give knoweldge to his son and a platform to communicate with both teacher and other parents.

Persona 2

Brooke is a 30 y/o psychologist. She says “ In my 5 years of work experience and being a kids practitioner, I have noticed that parents usually have difficulty in helping their kids cope up with a situation". She adds up saying " These kids are quite young to understand if they are being hurt or whether they are hurting someone else".
-Subject matter expert

Persona 4 :

Competitive Landscape

I spent time studying apps in competing spaces. I also looked at direct competitors and also the apps which focus on mindfulness aspects such as Headspace.

By learning about the features these apps provide, noticing the patterns, and evaluating how they differentiate themselves, I was able to gather a lot of insights and brand guidelines.


The opportunity area from competitive landscape catered to the vialability, desirability and feasibility of the product.

I then generated a few HMW statements to converge down our list of insights into necessary insights.

Value proposition

We are a learning-based platform providing volume of information to create awareness about bullying. A resource bring parents, teachers and kids under one platform to make a difference. The app provides them an immersive guided experience which makes the process of learning fun. It is better than other information-based platforms as it brings mindfulness, kindness, games, music, videos, way to interact, everything at one place making it convenient rather than downloading multiple apps.


Brand Identity

These are a part of Tweentoon’s story, that defines who we are and why do we need to exist.👉

Tweentoon’s difference

I am not promoting sponsors, content or activities. I want to make awareness about bullying easily conveyed to tweens and want to bridge the communication gap between kinds and adults.

So, here are the set of values I want to send across 👉

Brand Personality

I want to build an emotional connection with our audience by evoking feelings like 👉

  • I aim to make learning about bullying easy and engaging for tweens through immersive experiences. My goal is to bring parents, teachers, and kids together under one umbrella, fostering collaboration and making a collective difference.

  • I aim to build a platform that raises awareness about bullying for young tweens, offering them a medium to learn and develop essential skills, empowering them to navigate their experiences with empathy and make positive choices.

  • I've combined technology and play to make learning enjoyable, not a chore. My platform is specially for tweens, and parents can join in the virtual gamified experience to enhance communication and knowledge sharing between other parents, teachers, and kids.

  • The activities within the app are specifically tailored to Tweens, offering them a range of engaging and age-appropriate experiences. Additionally, the communication tools integrated into the app are designed to cater to adults, allowing them to stay informed about the current classroom situation in the school.

  • I strongly believe that promoting awareness about bullying doesn't have to be a dull or tedious experience. Instead, I strive to make this educational journey enjoyable and engaging, understanding the importance of infusing elements of fun into the process.

  • My top value is personalised learning

  • Tweentoon acts like a supportive and understanding friend, always there to lend an ear and provide guidance. I have created a safe and inclusive space where tweens learn about the importance of empathy and kindness.

  • I embody a playful and approachable persona, guiding tweens through the journey of awareness about bullying with a sense of joy and excitement. I believe that learning can be fun and engaging, and I strive to ignite curiosity and foster a love for personal growth.

  • I want to provide reliable information and resources about bullying in a comforting and reassuring manner. My aim is to build a strong bond of trust with tweens, assuring them they are not alone and offering support every step of the way.


How we write our name, how we use our symbols — these are the closest we get to a "signature" for Tweentoon. How they appear, whether tiny on a screen or enormous on a banner, becomes a crucial way for our audience to find and trust us. 👇

Interface Design

The Process: Designing & Prototyping

Final Output

User Guide

Onboarding : New User



Onboarding : Existing User

Parents Teacher Community (PTC)

User Testing

User Feedback